Attack - it’s possible to keep refreshing the attack screen until you find hives with 0 bees


Attack - it’s possible to keep refreshing the attack screen until you find hives with 0 bees then attack for an auto win

Rinse and repeat with no cool-down needed

Then fun stuff starts to happen

1. App crashes more often when doing this
2. Balance updates (increases) when you exit attack but logging out and into the app balance then decreases even though activity log only contains attack wins in it. My balance went from 400 to 415 doing this and then after relaunching app it had gone to 370 even though activity log only had attack wins in it


Activity Newest / Oldest


Justin Barr

Thanks for this report. You were paying for each refresh, but the UI wasn't updating fast enough to show the deduction in your THT. We're going through it all again, thank you!