Bee breeding error


maximus.koof10#5082 IPhone 8 Plus
I can't breed bees. I have enough honey, I have a queen and I have a bee. I press the "Breed 200 THT" button. Next, the Phantom wallet opens. I confirm the transaction and then the game opens. After that, 2 options for messages will pop up. Written - "Error, Please Try Again!" or it says "You have a pending transaction! Wait until competition". And nothing else happens. I don't get new bees. I've been trying for 3 days now.


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Katrina B

boomfxllc#5922: Sent 1st One no problem you can see in logs - the second round with another queen - stalled took the THT payment and produced no bee see screen shots: and yes I reloaded the wallet in the staking 😉


Katrina B

MOOSCA: My THT has decreased. and no bee puppies. My queen bee has too cooldown.


Katrina B

calprut#8118: Breed yesterday,
Error in breed process, THT deducted and no new bee appeared till now


Katrina B

CoyoteNZ#8149: Sometimes you can’t breed, but once you log out and log back in you can breed, so that will need to be resolved.