Reconnect Issue

Apoorv S

Ragnarok#4472 : when ever I disconnect and the game trys to reconnect I sometimes get a button that appears that says retry every time I have clicked it (three times so far) it has kicked me out of the game and I am unable to get back in the game until I close and reopen the game


Activity Newest / Oldest


Katrina B

Mavi: I get a warning that the internet is cut off at certain intervals in the game, and after that, I can't log in to the game for a while and wait on this screen. My internet was not interrupted. However i am getting this warning.


Dev D

Status changed to: Complete


Dev D

Merged with: Network Connection Failure


Apoorv S

WAM333 | MINI Fam#8907 : Also some more feedback not sure if it's just me or not but seems like when I get notifications to tell me I received a new reward my network connection fails


Dev D

Merged with: Disconnected when swapping apps while playing


Apoorv S

tiakobos: I always get disconnected when I switch to other apps while playing


Dev D

Status changed to: In progress


Apoorv S

Marsh: Display for lost connection is not display full message to reconnect


Apoorv S

NFTHYPNOTIZED: Login Data screwed here atm. (fixed after 2nd relog)


Apoorv S

Reeraa: failing to log on via Google account


Apoorv S

[AEP] Zola#6790: Network Connection Failed (Same as Nessa#7207: Ive experience about 6times this night and i even said let me use wifi and try same thing, and the wifi is very fast a speed of 43mpbs but its still giving me network connection)


Apoorv S

Rocher#4690: My loading screen stops at 5%+ after opening the app, then the "Network Connection Failed" prompt pops up and disappear.


Apoorv S

Rocher#4689: There is a problem about finding connection to the wifi/internet when we just open another app from my Android phone then open honeyland app back.


Apoorv S

hayabusa#1942 :Sometimes game loading stacking on %89.5 . Re-install helps


Apoorv S

cookie999#0065: when we manually log out, and login again with Google, logged in and green tick is visible, but need to quit the game and start again to actually start game


Apoorv S

daddy-centi : log out using log out button, log back in (connect wallet again etc…) - expected login count moves from 1/5 to 2/5 - actual login count remains at 1/5


Apoorv S

IrresponsiblyLong#0593: When I logged in using the wallet, it went to my wallet then asked to approve a transaction and then nothing


Apoorv S

graro: when switching network and reconnecting, loading is stucked


Apoorv S

Ragnarok#4472: This seems to be happening every five minutes or so have tried using just data or just wifi or having them both on but doesn't seem to make a difference


Apoorv S

Wolf One#0721: I get this screen a lot in terms of lost connection…I have been on different networks so I don’t think it is a local thing.


Apoorv S

7A#9548: i have had multiple resets due to wifi connection - my wifi is fine


Apoorv S

[AEP] B-Rad#7399 : every time when attempting to go to the Universe view, game closes. Every fourth or fith attempt to go into the universe view is successful, but very slow / laggy, then after a couple of seconds receive a “Network connection failed” message or the game just closes.


Apoorv S

Hevel: Also looses connection quite often.


Apoorv S

barnyard#6764:The Network Connection screen pops up alot.... anytime i tab out of the app or swap to something else on my phone


Apoorv S

IrresponsiblyLong#0593: It gave me a wifi disconnect without swapping apps. I clicked retry and it kicked me to the login screen.
Which gave me the option to login with my devnet phantom wallet lol.


Apoorv S

TD#5499: I get it’s probably security related but swapping apps and going back forces the wifi disconnect / force you to force close and restart the game to access again. Not particularly a problem per se, but it’s mildly annoying
Since I’m someone who likes to swap apps to discord and such and then come back to what I’m doing.


Apoorv S

House Laristar#8574: Sometimes I'm having "network issues" during the loading whereas my connection is completely fine