Raid/Attack Issue and Suggestions

Apoorv S

Pirre#9285 :When entering the Raid UI with bees selected in the Raid Team, then removing bees from the Raid team and then tapping on an button that causes a popup to appear, the Raid Team will reset to how it was set when entering the UI.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Apoorv S

Metabon#6896: bees starting raids with 50%+ health missing. Bees were fully rested and this was first attack.


Apoorv S

BEAUTYDIL#5500: I have been trying form my raid team for the past 30 minutes but it keeps rolling. After some time,it forcefully closed itself. I'm currently stucked here.


Apoorv S

Mr.Clean#8039: At the conclusion of a successful or unsuccessful raid against players with at least 1 bee on defense the game returns you to the city screen, can we have it return to the hive or the raid screen. I'm assuming that people who are raiding will try multiple raids so not sure why its selecting the city screen as the default after a raid


Apoorv S

Mr.Clean#8039: The battle screen cuts off my queen bee