Raid Bug


Been upgrading my bee atk, it is now at 244 but it seems like ever since upgrading its attack, it has been dealing lesser and lesser damage on raids. My bee only deal 1 damage on most enemy bees even with less than 150 def on the very first round.


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Katrina B

TD: I’m getting some weird things happening in my raid attack team screen
Like, I choose a team and I lose
And then when I try again
2 of the bees have gone on recovery
1 bee stays on the team
And when I try to use the sort function to sort by attack, it just doesn’t stay
It will just keep sorting by the default level/busy choices


Katrina B

Leofric: After checking enemy Def, pressing back takes me all the way back to the default hive screen. Will have to navigate multiple buttons to check on the next enemy team stats