Stucked Bees

Katrina B

[AEP]Maksimus: Sorted my Bee for Luck and got this 3 zgen bee's instead of my bee's. Can't remove them and also can't send them to harvest.


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Katrina B

BigV12#3330: It seems I have many bees stuck, I will wait an hour or so and see but is anyone else having this issue right now? After a long night it still seems over 40 are stuck. Is this going on with anyone else? I just checked back @theParsius | 🐝 Honeyland and it appears my bees have been sent out from yest, and it still says "on their way to land " and still haven't gone there. When I go to cancel all, to see if I can retrieve them all, it wont work. I must have over 40 bees stuck. I was wondering what is going on.... and this is what the problem seems to be. Any suggestions? I logged back in and out as well....