Ice Cream Shop: Glitch, Delays and Exploits

Apoorv S

Sidzinies#9300: Converting my Sol to.THT is taking eternity


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Dev D

Status changed to: Complete


Dev D

Status changed to: In progress


Apoorv S

Pirre: Trying to withdraw THT it shows Max: 200. When pressing on the "MAX" button, the input field shows 200.0000 and is marked in red. When then pressing withdraw, it says that I don't have enough THT. When changing the value to 200, there is no issue.


Apoorv S

Pirre: Trying to deposit SOL it shows Max: 6.0821. When trying to deposit more than 2 SOL, it says that the Maximum to deposit is 2. So the max should be set to 2 and pressing on the "MAX" button should also set the value to 2.


Apoorv S

Zapmore | ObeliskAuditing.com#3433: The timer for withdrawals seems fair, however there is also a timer to deposit funds into the game which seems quite counterintuitive as you want the user to deposit funds as often as possible. Don't know if this is a bug but reporting it as it is.


Apoorv S

dns45: When I enter Ice Cream and I’m on deposit screen and switching between THT and SOL I’m seeing my SOL balance increased by 0,1 from time to time. I was already able to increase it from 0,9 to 2,0


Apoorv S

[AEP] Lingeke.sol#6955: Whenever you log in new to the gsme you get 1 Sol dropped into your wallet. This can then be staked at the ice cream interface to get THT and use in the game. Theoretically unlimited.
This may be unfair for the contest of gaining most points/XP


Apoorv S

ColinGuy#6510: I can acquire 1 sol on devnet repeatedly by logging out and then back in. Then can deposit the 1 sol and make 50 tht. I know it's devnet and not real money but wasn't sure if this had any consequence for future plans.


Apoorv S

Ragnarok#4472:You can infinitely get test sol when you have network issues and it kicks you out and you re-link your Google account or logout and log back in to your Google account it airdrops you another 1 sol which you can exchange for tht as many times as you want. Please fix this quick as I know I'm not the only one who has found this bug as it gives you a huge edge in the game


Apoorv S

Ragnarok#4472: There is a infinite money glitch that needs to be fixed as I believe many of the top players are exploiting it. I posted about it in the alpha feedback channel. It needs to be fixed asap! Especially since I posted about it in that channel other people will be trying it out. Though it was a pretty long paragraph so alot won't take the time to read it
It allows you to get the 1 sol airdrop that you get airdropped when you first started endlessly airdroped to your account which you can exchange for txt as many times as you want


Apoorv S

HEVEL#7777 : iPhone connected to my phantom and hour later still here. It did transfer the 1 Sol.


Apoorv S

barnyard#6764: i noticed a pretty lengthy delay between sending from my sol wallet to the generated google based wallet. i would imagine it's a block chain thing and should appear within the hour . just my 2 cents.


Apoorv S

Indika#6982: Deposit never showed up.


Apoorv S

Indika#6982: Mine is taking forever too. I deposited sol in the ice cream machine and I haven’t seen it or THT in the game yet.