Auto select bees

Katrina B

K0TbKuH#3051: auto select bees as before. I have around 130bees, to send them all to missions will take 2hours with this new system.


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Katrina B

Mr.Clean#8039: If you go to this screen to select the bees to send on a mission. After you select an open slot to activate it , if you quickly select two bees by pressing back and forth between each bee quickly you can end up locking up a bee where it appears to be selected on the right side but is not selected for the mission. It just stays greyed out and you wont be able to select that bee until you exit and re-enter this selection screen. You can keep doing this and it can lock up all the bees. I guess there's an issue with how fast you are changing your selection of a bee for that mission slot on the left.


Katrina B

Leofric: - Selecting bees for missions would be better if it automatically moves on next slot after selecting a bee.
- Bee slots that havent been unlocked should stay locked. Right now it allows us to add any number of bees but then prevents us from sending the team anyway if we exceed the current maximum allowable


Katrina B

DKA_Supernova: I already mentioned the bee resetting issue while trying to deploy them on missions but we should also be able to select multiple bees without having to designate which slot to put them into… unless there is some sort of advantage to putting a bee into a specific slot closer to or further from the queen.

The number of slots available should match the number of bees we can send on missions. - I am currently capped at 5 bees for missions but I have 6 available slots… the new format makes it hard to keep track of how many bees I have assigned already so I frequently get this error about needing to level up to send as many bees as I have selected.


Katrina B

Marc K.#8725: Right now iam not really able to play with the same feeling as before as an Iphone user. Have often the topic with "Expected signatures length to be equal..." and then it hangs up. The sort function of bees not working for me either. All other points look good, but I think when selecting bees ingame, I feel like its not that comfortable. You need to hit the middle and not one point of the rectangle, the delete button not working for me (Top right) --> You have to select another bee right now (for me) or restart the choosing pattern. Wasnt able to test more lately but thats what i have seen right now


Katrina B

JonzeDu#3261: Selecting bees for missions while racing against the reset makes it very hard to play lately. Is there a reason for the reset? Possibility of grouping bees into fixed teams and simple and fast filters will be a must in the future.


Katrina B

Bigbear4400#0606: Appreciate all the work that went into this. The main issue I'm experiencing is the amount of time it takes to send out my bees. Surely there is a way to simplify it and make it more efficient. Also the puzzle pieces boardering the shards I feel is unnecessary. Would be better to just have the square with a more distinct picture of each shard type. The game is running much smoother and blockchain transactions are also faster. Just needs some fine tuning but again it's such a huge update and I know the team will do everything they can to make the best experience possible for all of us.


Katrina B

[AEP] Lingeke.sol#6955: Great update that fixes a lot of issues. Have logged on several times a day since the start with sending bees for hunts and harvesting. Sending bees out has become way too complicated now.
The selecting and sending is very difficult. And I find it much harder to select the matching land form bees to send. - Edit: Found the colour coding for the land type. Sadly, still very time consuming process overall. Am currently sticking to hunting missions as the selection of land matching bees is too difficult.


Katrina B

Status changed to: Complete