Display Bees Health, Recovery and Mission Timer

Apoorv S

Zapmore | ObeliskAuditing.com : Can't see the current health of the bees after a raid, so going into the next raid, the bees health is still down. Need to be able to see the health in order to switch out bees for the raid.


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Status changed to: In progress


Apoorv S

Leofric: Display traveling time to chosen land and the Harvest/Hunting time as well.


Apoorv S

cookie999#:And when we send our bees to far off land, we see a message bee is traveling to #XXXX land, but we should also see amount of time in minutes it will take for the bee to reach there and actually start the mission


Apoorv S

TD#5499: could we please have notifications for when our bees are rested and ready to send out again?


Apoorv S

runedaddude#2584: two things, how do I know when my harvest is complete? also Grey out the other three slots or give a msg when you try to send more than 3 to harvest (send msg when you click on bee and harvest) not when you try to send group


Apoorv S

barnyard#6765: It would be cool if you could see currently harvesting/hunting/occupied lands where are bees are at also, would be awesome to have a timer that shows how much longer until travel time is complete, and how much harvesting time is left.


Apoorv S

ChickenPorkAdobo : The one thing we are missing right now is the notification if we have our bees ready to hunt/harvest again. Would definitely be a big improvement and will help us all in the actual gameplay


Apoorv S

Machete: adding push notis when you have a certain number of bees idle would be cool to have the option to enable as well


Apoorv S

Pikawii :One more question no timer on how many minutes/hours the harvest mission take place?


Apoorv S

House Laristar : I would suggest to add a timer for the remaining harvest time,


Apoorv S

cookie999#0065: we get notifications for task completion (harvest/hunt) but we should also get notifications for when our bees are recovered, that makes more sense to send them for task again

And recovery time after hunt/harvest should be shown prior to sending them on missions, in bees info or somewhere
For now we have number, but numbers scaled with time in minutes/hours would be much better