Increase matching bees stats bonus

Katrina B

Clearblue#3655: Running data on Attacking profiles and bonuses. I don't believe the bonus for a full matching attack squad is high enough. The odds of making ALL of the male bees and queen match on Mood, Likes & Dislikes is so exponentially rare, that the bonuses don't account for it enough. That team should be at least double the base stats of only Mood matching, but it's more like a 30-35% increase.

Making the bonuses scale better in this fashion will drive increased demand for mid-high quality bees of all combinations (moods, likes, dislikes)

You want to think of this mechanic as a gameplay progression as players work to upgrade their squads.

Lack of sufficient motivation will deter progression, instead of incentivize it. In this case the motivation is to win more, which means more rewards. If the bonus isn't worth the considerable effort and cost, then players won't pursue it. 30-35% isn't worth it for the incredible difficulty in obtaining a 'perfect match' squad.

One possible solution would be to add modifiers for multipliers on combinations.

-Genesis Queen mood matched by entire squad - 50% bonus comprised of queens stats added to bees stats
-Genesis Queen dislike matched by entire squad - 25% bonus comprised of queens Defense stat added to bees stats
-Genesis Queen like matched by entire squad - 25% bonus comprised of queens Attack stat added to bees stats
-Male Bees mood matched by entire squad - 15% bonus comprised of each individual bees stats
-Male Bees dislike matched by entire squad - 30% bonus comprised of each individual bees Health stat added to bees stats

Could follow the below design:
-2x pairings = 20% bonus on paired stats bonus
-3x pairings = 40% bonus on paired stats bonus
-4x pairings = 80% bonus on paired stats bonus
-5x pairings = 160% bonus on paired stats bonus

This would require some modeling to perfect the variables. But this is an example scenario of exponential rewards that would drive progression.


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Katrina B

To illustrate this: (above suggestion - running data on attacking profile and bonus)
-12 moods
-35 dislikes

1/12 chance to get a single mood
1/52 chance to get a single like
1/35 chance to get a single dislike

1/12 * 1/52 * 1/35 = 1/21840

Each bee Mood + Like + Dislike combination is a 1/21840 chance to obtain

Now, you need 4 bees that match.

Add in the desire to have better stats on those bees.....The extreme bonuses suddenly have merit. They are so incredibly hard to achieve, that it's okay giving them OP stats as the chances of many people obtaining them is low. Let alone anyone obtaining it with already high stat bees (before bonuses)....the odds are unreal.