Less clicks for sorting

Katrina B

daddy-centi#2349: filters (dropdowns) not working. Filter was better - sort does not allow me to easily get all woodland with luck over 180 for example also I preferred one click to populate a slot now I have to pick a slot then add a bee and I can’t even see the bee stats until it’s in a slot so I add it then have to select the slot and remove it as the stats are not right. Lots of clicking - discord.com/channels/933556625170636831/1036813253394825216/1070587532758241280


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Katrina B

Izumal : As a bee keeper I want the ability to single click sort by mood, like/dislike, specialty at mission selection so that I can deploy my bees quickly and efficiently as my hive scales
I feel like bee management should happen one level up from missions, allow me create saved sorts so I can "single" click at mission management