Remove Automatic PVP

Apoorv S

runedaddude#2584 : I'm sure I said this before but just want to emphasize I do not like automatic pvp. I think it should be opt in. You can activate if you are interested in this mechanic and not just hunting/harvesting. If I don't have a lot of time to play, my bees will lag behind in strength and I will either need to farm shields all day or I'll just get drained of all my hxd. Please remove automatic pvp.


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Apoorv S

+1 Runedaddu
I strongly encourage team to make pvp optional. some of us want to just farm and chill. maybe you can toggle whether you want to participate in pvp with a cool down i.e. you can't just raid someone then turn it off, if you raid you can't turn off pvp for 72 hrs et.