Queen stats visibility

Katrina B

[AEP] Lingeke.sol#6955: I find it helpful having the queen stats. Please keep this.
The orange box would show the currently to fill spot of the bee to be sent. And the small boxes to the right the other bees in the group to be sent.
After choosing a bee from the green area of the available bees, ideally with the option there to choose to hunt or harvest (asbefore), the orange box would automatically switch to the next slot to choose.
The green box is the current area where thebees available are shown. Possibly a bit larger as the space needed on the left is a bit smaller.
But, you could also choose any small box from beside it to re-arrange the squad.
I hope it makes sense...
The orange box would show the stats of the bee chosen from the right and then the player can choose to hunt or harvest and with that switch to the next slot. I do appreciate the colour coding of the bees as it makes it easier to find the bees according to the land specialty.


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