Add option to view stats of bees while on missions

Apoorv S

Zapmore | ObeliskAuditing.com: When choosing the attack team, you can't press on bees out on harvest to check their stats in order to plan which bees should be in the attack team. It says "can not select this unit". However how it's set up, it would make more sense to be able to select it in order to see the stats, but then gray out the "select" button on the bee card so that it's not possible to add to the attack team while the bee is out on a harvest.


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Apoorv S

[AEP] B-Rad#7399: When sending multiple bee’s hunting on the same land at the same time, when they return, they return within a few seconds of each-other with honeypots (containing shards).

Please correct me if I’m wrong:
It is my understanding that when a honeypot is collected by a bee, it will take xx minutes for another honeypot to appear on the land, after which it is collected by the bee with the highest amount of luck at the time.
So for example, on a land that drops a honeypot every 120 minutes, then I would expect the next be with the highest amount of luck on the land to return at least 120 minutes later (if there are only my bee’s hunting on the land).
In the screenshots, can see that 3x bees returned from the same land within 2 seconds of each other and in another instance had 4x bee’s spread across two different lands and they returned from said lands within 12 seconds of each-other.


Apoorv S

[AEP] Zellax: Endurance Requirement values don't show up. Need to give people a goal as to if they want to get to zone 7 then need xx Endurance or if they want to get to 8 they need zz.