Add Stats Tooltips

Apoorv S

Pirre#9284 :There should be tooltips for the stats shown in the game. For example in the land view, tapping on honey reserve, Production Speed, etc. should show what these respective stats mean.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Justin Barr

In progress



Kuhon#2991 Totally agree


Apoorv S

Mr.Clean#8039: For any of the items where there's a rarity , maybe it is possible to provide a note on what each rarity would give so a user knows the benefit of each when deciding on which one to craft. For example rare gives a 12 hr shield but you would know that until after you craft it. How does the bee id in the activity log correlate with your actual bee number.


Apoorv S

Longhorn90#4536: More clarity/visibility of the desirable traits for a certain task (Harvest, Hunt, Defend, Attack) you are selecting Bees for would help in making better choices of bees. And make it easier to see at once those stats for all available bees. Similarly, make it more intuitive that you could be getting bonuses of matching Likes, Dislikes, Mood, Landform when QtoB, BtoB, or BtoLandform can be impacted by your choice of bees for a certain task.

Honestly, it’s so tedious to keep track of Likes, Dislikes and Mood between Queen and all Bees,and remember when it would be a bonus, that I pretty much ignore it now.


Apoorv S

[AEP] Zellax
Need to Understand what stats mean.
Health/Attack/Defense/agility(speed)/Luck(Percentage) are self explanatory.
The Other Stats need more explaining somewhere.
- Capacity of 100 vs 200 Hold How much more Honey? (observation says not double).
- Endurance of 100 vs 200 gets you to what Zones on the Map?
- Recovery of 2 mins (Gen Z) vs 200 mins (Genesis) but once the mission complete they have cooldown of about 1 hr for GenZ and 30mins for Genesis. is there a max cap of Recovery ?