Add Confirmation Button for irreversible blockchain transactions

Apoorv S

barnyard#6765: other things ive noticed right off the rip: would be nice to have a confirmation button whenever doing anything irreversible on the the blockchain: IE hatching an egg. Different color profile picture borders between Worker Bees and Queens
instead of having to click the "X" in the upper right corner of windows, if you could just click outside the popup box and have the top window auto close


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Apoorv S

Mr.Clean#8039: Up for debate but can we have that pop up to verify if you want to do that upgrade instead of executing that action right after you select it. Just dont want to miss press something and not have a chance to cancel.


Apoorv S

Bigbear4400#0606: Anyone else agree that before creating an nft there should be a confirmation window? Example: Are you sure you want to use "x" shards to create "x" rarity nft upgrade. Would stop players from creating a nft by accident that they didn't intend to.